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2024 End of Session LetterDear Neighbor, On April 8th, the 2024 Maryland General Assembly legislative session concluded. This year, we addressed significant challenges, including a budget deficit that threatened our investments in education. We tackled the issue of affordable housing by increasing available units and collaborating with local jurisdictions on more equitable zoning laws. We also took on improving public safety, spearheading significant reforms in juvenile justice to ensure communities are safer. I introduced nine bills this year focused on a range of issues from economic justice to ensuring that military spouses were protected from employment and housing discrimination. During this session, I also had the privilege of holding two leadership positions. I’m extremely honored to have been selected by my colleagues to serve as the Assistant Majority Leader. Additionally, I served as Chair of the Education Subcommittee in the Prince George’s County Delegation. Together we worked through some essential legislation to improve our students' education and provide greater support for our teachers. Though demanding, this session yielded valuable legislation. It’s the greatest honor to continue serving you and your family in the Maryland House of Delegates. I look forward to seeing you over the summer through a series of town halls and community events to collaborate with you all in preparation for the next legislative session. Below are some highlights of our achievements for District 23 and Maryland. Sincerely, Delegate Adrian Boafo MY SPONSORED LEGISLATION This year, I introduced nine bills in the Maryland House of Delegates. My legislative agenda focused on fostering economic growth, enhancing mental health services for youth, addressing discriminatory housing practices, reducing tobacco consumption, and tackling climate change head-on. Among these bills, four are significant milestones that will soon be signed into law by Governor Wes Moore. HB598 - Discrimination - Military Status - Prohibition HB598 prohibits any form of discrimination against military personnel and their families in housing and employment. By enacting this legislation, we seek to establish a legal framework that protects the rights and ensures fair treatment of those who have served their country in the armed forces and their families. This bill would make it unlawful for employers to discriminate against veterans during the hiring process or in terms of promotions and job benefits. Additionally, it would prevent military personnel from facing discrimination in the housing market, ensuring they have equal access to housing opportunities without bias. HB650 - Apprenticeship Ratios There are 11,000 apprentices in Maryland - Governor Moore aims for 60,000 apprentices by 2030 and 45% of high school graduates enrolled in apprenticeships by 2031. Currently, this goal is difficult to meet with the majority of businesses in Maryland (84%) and specifically Prince George’s County (89%) maintaining fewer than 20 employees. As a result, this bill requires the Maryland Department of Labor to study the feasibility of increasing the apprenticeship ratio from 1:1 to 3:1 for all newly registered non-traditional (non-construction trades) apprenticeships in Maryland. HB465 - Workplace Fraud and Prevailing Wage Theft HB465 elevates the maximum penalties for knowing violations of misclassification, wage theft, workers compensation fraud, unemployment insurance fraud, and federal FICA withholding fraud, and establishes referrals to both state and federal agencies in such cases. This bill addresses a significant inconsistency in Maryland statutes related to wage theft and misclassification offenses. Currently, penalties for these offenses differ based on whether the victim is an individual worker or the State of Maryland. The bill aligns penalties for wage theft and payroll fraud, with fines up to $10,000 per employee. SB542 - Realtors/Brokerage Agreement Notice of Compensation There is a national lawsuit against realtors and licensees and how they are compensated. The lawsuit addresses concerns that some sellers have yet to learn the compensation they provide to their agent may be split with another agent who represents the buyer. While most of this is common knowledge, this legislation would change the law to require all brokerage agreements in Maryland to inform the client (seller or buyer) about the compensation, who pays, and what happens if one party (in this case typically the seller) refuses to share compensation with the other agent. PRIORITY LEGISLATION IN ECONOMIC MATTERS I have the privilege of serving on the House Economic Matters Committee. The committee handles legislation concerning business regulation, banking, consumer protection law, insurance, utilities, alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, workers' compensation, and unemployment insurance. Below are our priority bills that underscore our focus on increasing employment access, expanding economic opportunities and protecting the environment. SB474 - Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act of 2024 This Administration bill allows generators— including larger generating stations—that produce energy for onsite emergency backups in critical data centers throughout Maryland to be exempt from the requirement of obtaining a certificate of public convenience and necessity before construction. This will allow for the production of electricity onsite in case of an emergency at commercial facilities when service from the electric company is interrupted. SB1 - Electricity and Gas - Retail Supply - Regulation and Consumer Protection SB1 updates Maryland’s quarter-century-old rules governing the competitive marketplace for retail electricity. The bill will protect energy customers, particularly those in low-income neighborhoods, from predatory third-party retail energy suppliers who sell low and bill high, saving ratepayers an estimated $150-$200 million a year on electricity and an estimated $50 million a year on natural gas. HB567 - Maryland Online Data Privacy Act of 2024 HB567 protects consumers' online data. Currently, companies may collect unlimited amounts of online data - and profit from it - from Marylanders without their knowledge or consent. With HB567, consumers will be able to know what information is collected and what is done with it, be able to have the information deleted or corrected, and opt-out of the sale of their information. The bill also has the strongest "data minimization" standard in the country by limiting the data that is collected from consumers to what is reasonably necessary and proportionate to the service provided. HB603 - Maryland Kids Code HB603 requires tech companies to design their online products with kids’ privacy, safety, and wellness in mind. This means not collecting or selling kids’ data, setting high privacy standards by default, and avoiding manipulative design. SB539 - Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Sale and Resale of Tickets SB539 mandates any listing or transaction involved in buying a ticket to reveal specific details. This includes showing the total ticket price upfront. It also gets rid of any exceptions that let resellers sell tickets without knowing if they actually have them. Additionally, it stops secondary ticket exchanges from letting people sell tickets that break the law. Plus, it says that ticket issuers, secondary exchanges, or resellers have to give refunds in certain situations. HB1526 - Maryland Protecting Opportunities and Regional Trade (PORT) Act Following the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge and the near-total shutdown of the Port of Baltimore, HB1526 provides financial assistance for affected workers and companies, as well as scholarships for the children and spouses of those who perished on the bridge. Specifically, the bill authorizes the Governor to use up to $275 million to offset wage losses by employees of the Port, independent contractors, and Port dependent businesses. The bill also ensures that the Transportation Authority has the resources it needs to get the Francis Scott Key Bridge rebuilt. HB649 - Labor and Employment – Equal Pay for Equal Work - Wage Rage Transparency HB649 requires employers to include wage ranges on job postings/employment listings. Wage transparency will help close the gender and racial pay gap, eliminate bias, and ensure that employers and applicants negotiate more quickly and fairly with each other. HB397 - Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act The WARMTH Act aims to launch pilot geothermal heating projects in underserved Maryland communities. It provides funding for neighborhoods with at least 200 participants, who will collaborate with utility companies to drill geothermal boreholes. The companies cover initial costs and recoup them through PSC rate cases. HOUSE DEMOCRATS PRIORITIES Maryland House Democrats have passed several bills addressing a wide array of issues facing our state. These issues include strengthening public safety, investing in our healthcare system and holding gun manufacturers accountable. Here are some of the bills we’ve passed this session. PUBLIC SAFETY HB814 - Juvenile Law – Reform HB814 expands membership to the Commission on Juvenile Reform and Emerging and Best Practices and requires the Commission to include school leaders, service providers, DJS, and law enforcement to review every aspect of all juvenile services programs in the State starting June 2024. HB814 also provides increased time for court–ordered rehabilitation programming: A child found delinquent because of an act that would constitute a misdemeanor for an adult can remain on probation for 1 year with an option to extend in intervals for up to 2 years. A child found delinquent because of an act that would constitute a felony for an adult can remain on probation for 2 years with the option to extend in intervals for up to 3 or 4 years depending on the circumstances. The bill clarifies that a child missing court–ordered treatment constitutes good cause to extend the child’s probation under current law, unless the court finds that the child has substantially completed the treatment program despite the absences. Additionally this bill codifies the Governor’s Office for Children and the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention and Policy (GOCPP). EDUCATION HB785 - Freedom to Read Act HB785 makes Maryland a national leader in the fight to counter the increasing attempts to ban books in schools and public libraries. It establishes a set of State Standards for Libraries and protects Maryland’s library collections and the librarians who curate them. The bill will ensure that we are exposing students to diverse viewpoints in a thoughtful and respectful way. HB416 - Public Schools - Active Shooter Safety Drills or Trainings - Requirements Faced with the unfortunate reality that active shooter drills are a part of life, HB416 establishes procedures to help reduce the potential mental health impacts these drills have on our students. The bill requires: Age-appropriate drills and conversations about them Notification before and after drills sent to families Drills designed with trauma-informed care A requirement that schools send home safe gun-storage information annually and provide additional support for students/staff with a disability or who have experienced trauma SB579 - Primary and Secondary Education - Breakfast and Lunch Programs - Universal Expansion Report SB579 requires the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) to report to the General Assembly on the cost to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students in public schools in the State by December 1, 2024. Specified items that MSDE must consider for each county in determining the cost include the current rate of providing free breakfast and lunch through Maryland Meals for Achievement and participation in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Community Eligibility Program (CEP). HOUSING HB538 - Housing Expansion and Affordability Act of 2024 HB538 will improve affordability by allowing new housing where we need it most. More than half of Maryland renters spend upwards of 30% of their income on housing, and the state has a shortage of an estimated 100,000 affordable units. The bill will allow more density for priority projects and adhere to specific affordability requirements. In single-family areas, priority projects could consist of middle housing (duplexes, triplexes, etc.). In multifamily areas, priority projects could be up to 30% more dense than the local jurisdiction currently allows and may consist of mixed-use. The three types of priority projects in the bill include transit-oriented development, formerly state/federally owned campuses and those owned or controlled by a charity. HB693 - Renters’ Rights and Stabilization Act HB693 protects renters from certain evictions and gives renters the opportunity to purchase a rental property if the property owner decides to sell it, i.e., the “Right of First Refusal.” The bill also establishes an Office of Tenant Rights to communicate with and advocate for renters and provide them information on how to best exercise their rights. To discourage serial eviction filing, HB693 raises the eviction filing fee in Maryland from $8 to $43 and bars evictions during times of extreme weather conditions and other public health emergencies. HEALTHCARE HB39 - Homecare Worker Rights Act of 2024 HB39 ensures that essential homecare workers who work as in-home caregivers are classified as employees by residential service agencies before those agencies are reimbursed through the Department of Health. This means that these homecare workers receive the benefits and pay that they deserve from these service agencies, which for too long have been dodging responsibility. In-home caregivers are essential to those Marylanders that they are charged with supporting – it is only right that we do what we can to protect them from exploitation while they care for our loved ones. HB1051 - Maryland Maternal Health Act of 2024 HB1051 ensures that Maryland codifies practices in our healthcare system that protects new mothers and newborns. The bill ensures that hospitals across Maryland are taking steps to not only provide new parents with the resources and information they need postpartum but also reaching out to parents after discharge from the hospital to check in on them once they are home. The bill will also develop a report card for those birthing facilities throughout the state. These simple steps will protect new parents and their children and ensure that we are providing the care that Maryland families need and deserve. SB975 - Supporting Reproductive Health Care Clinics Act SB975 responds to the increasing threats of violence to abortion providers. The bill provides grants for abortion and reproductive health clinics to increase security measures with the addition of security alarms and cameras, perimeter lighting, and other measures. HB404 - Public Safety - Wellness Checks - Requirements (Gabriel's Law) This bill requires a law enforcement agency or an emergency medical services entity that receives a “qualified request” from an “interested party” for a wellness check of an individual to conduct a wellness check of the individual without unreasonable delay. If the individual is not located in the agency’s or entity’s jurisdiction, then they must submit a request to the relevant law enforcement agency or emergency medical services. HB666 - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – State Supplement HB666 is anti-poverty legislation that ensures every Maryland resident is food secure. The bill expands benefits to low-income seniors, age 60+, and increases their minimum to $50/month. This will help around 39,000 Marylander seniors. CLIMATE HB1101 - Clean Water Justice Act of 2024 In 2023, the Supreme Court decision on Sackett v. EPA, cut several streams and wetlands from being protected by the Clean Water Act. HB1101 restores citizens' ability to sue to protect those waterways, which is crucial to helping communities fight water pollution and helps state agencies enforce these laws. HB1153 - Protecting State Waters From PFAS Pollution Act Building on our work to address the problem of PFAS chemicals, known as "forever" chemicals, HB1153 addresses PFAS discharged into our water by tasking MDE to identify the industrial source and develop a plan to mitigate the contamination. GUN CONTROL HB810 - Criminal Law – Weapon Crimes – Switch/Auto-Sear HB810 prohibits the use of a glock switch or any other auto-sear device in Maryland. The high volume of these devices in circulation and the fact that they can be produced by a 3D printer in someone’s home make it very difficult to control their use. Despite a federal prohibition, law enforcement and prosecutors in Maryland believe the bill will provide them with an additional tool to get glock switches and similar devices off our streets. HB947 - Civil Actions - Public Nuisances - Firearm Industry Members (Gun Industry Accountability Act of 2024) HB947 establishes that any “firearm industry member”, a person engaged in the sale, manufacture, distribution, importation, or marketing of firearm products, may not create, maintain, or contribute to harm the public through the sale, manufacture, distribution, importation, or marketing of any firearm-related products. A firearm industry member who violates the Act creates a public nuisance and the Attorney General, county attorney, or Baltimore City Solicitor may sue the firearm industry member and seek appropriate relief. HB583 - Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention - Establishment HB583 establishes the Center for Firearm Violence Prevention and Intervention in the Maryland Department of Health (MDH). The purpose of the center is to reduce firearm violence, harm from firearm violence, and misuse of firearms in the State by partnering with federal, State, and local agencies and affected communities to implement a public health approach to firearm violence reduction. VETERANS HB43 - Department of Veterans Affairs - Renaming and Deputy Secretary of Military Family Policy and Programs This bill renames the Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs (MDVA) to be the Department of Veterans and Military Families (DVMF) and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be the Secretary of Veterans and Military Families. The Secretary must also appoint a Deputy Secretary of Military Family Policy and Programs. PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY DELEGATION - EDUCATION SUBCOMMITTEE As Chair of the Education Subcommittee in the Prince George’s County Delegation, we passed two important bills that will be signed into law: HB376 - Study on the Feasibility of Relocating the Prince George's County Public School System Headquarters This bill requires the Prince George’s County Board of Education to hire an independent consultant to complete a comprehensive study on the feasibility of relocating the board Headquarters. The county board must develop a solicitation process for hiring an independent consultant and cover the cost of the required study. The study must be completed before the county board enters into a new long-term lease. On or before June 1, 2026, the independent consultant must report its findings and recommendations to the county board. SB191 - Prince George's County - Property Tax Credit - Public School Employees This bill authorizes Prince George’s County to provide a real property tax credit against the dwelling of an eligible employee of the Prince George’s County Public School System who purchases a home after relocating to the county. The bill takes effect June 1, 2024, and applies to taxable years after June 30, 2024. BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2025 The FY25 budget reflects our values. Maryland is facing tough fiscal realities, specifically for our transportation, public education, and hospital trauma systems. The FY25 budget package proves that we are ready and willing to meet these challenges and invest in our future. Funds Year 3 of Implementation of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future State support for public schools totals $9.1 billion. Aid to local school systems increased an estimated $457.1 million (5.3%). Downpayment to the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future Fund The Blueprint is now funded through FY27 by assigning tobacco tax revenue to the Blueprint Fund. These sources of revenue will allow us to uphold the commitments we have made to educators and students in the Blueprint, including: Keeping the promises we made to 3- and 4-year-old children in our Pre-K programs Improving reading proficiency Recruiting more highly qualified and diverse teachers Supporting community schools, students with special needs, and English language learners Increases Funding for Trauma Services to Meet the Needs of Marylanders Maryland’s globally renowned trauma system services over 25,000 seriously injured patients annually across the State and, without change, faced a significant fiscal shortfall. The FY25 budget provides $105 million in additional funding to support the State’s trauma centers and services. Continues to Provide Vital Health Care Services Medicaid funding totals $14.4 billion, allowing the State to provide coverage to over 1.6 million of our residents. Rate increases of 3% are funded for providers serving the developmentally disabled, behavioral health providers, nursing homes, and most Medicaid community–based providers. APPROPRIATIONS FOR DISTRICT 23 The FY25 budget makes critical investments in Maryland’s economy through support of our higher education institutions, technological initiatives and our infrastructure needs. This session we brought home $15.9 million back to District 23: $8.983 million to complete the construction of the new Communication Arts and Humanities building at Bowie State University $5.989 million to continue design of the new Thurgood Marshall Academic Commons and Library at Bowie State University $250,000 for the City of Bowie water infrastructure improvements $250,000 to Liberty Sports Park $200,000 to Foundation for Acquired Construction Technology for Students, Inc – FACTS $125,000 to the White Marsh–Sacred Heart Cemetery Restoration Project $79,000 to the Marlton Pool $25,000 to the Bowie Volunteer Fire Department $20,000 to Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
2023 End of Session LetterDear Neighbor, On the night of Monday, April 10, the 445th session of the Maryland General Assembly came to a close. It is an immense privilege to serve as your State Delegate, and I remain deeply committed to addressing the critical challenges that face our state. Below are a few highlights of the legislation we have passed and the $2.1 billion in state aid appropriated to ensure we are working for the people of District 23. MY SPONSORED LEGISLATION I have been actively engaged in the legislative process by introducing two critical bills designed to improve mental health care services in Maryland. HB694 (Labor and Employment—Workers’ Compensation—Licensed Certified Social Worker Clinical), would allow licensed clinical social workers to register as rehabilitation practitioners to provide evaluation services for workers covered under worker’s compensation insurance claims as it pertains to permanent impairments, including mental and behavioral disorders. Unfortunately, HB0694 only passed in the House. I will consider bringing it back next session. HB573 (Maryland Higher Education Commission – Access to Mental Health Advisory Committee - Establishment) establishes a committee under the Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) to study the access to behavioral mental health services on Maryland’s college campuses. The committee will study the policies and procedures adopted by institutions of higher education in the state regarding access to mental health care and the prevention and treatment of mental illness in students, as well as examining the challenges for institutions of higher education in meeting the demand for mental health services. HB573 passed both chambers and has been signed into law. PRIORITY LEGISLATION IN ECONOMIC MATTERS It's been a privilege to serve on the House Economic Matters Committee. Economic Matters considers legislation related to business regulation, banking and consumer protection law, property and casualty insurance, public utilities, alcohol and tobacco, workers compensation, and unemployment. Below are some of the Committees priority bills which reflect our commitment to advancing legislation ranging from raising the minimum wage to cannabis reform. SB555 - The Fair Wage Act This Administration bill accelerates the state’s $15-an-hour minimum wage, fully implementing that wage for all covered employers as of January 1, 2024 (it previously wasn’t supposed to take full effect until 2026). HB556 - Cannabis Reform Renames the Alcohol and Tobacco Commission to be the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Cannabis Commission and establishes the Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement Division as an independent unit in the Commission. Additionally, establishes a regulatory and licensing system for adult-use cannabis including the conversion of medical cannabis licenses to licenses to operate a medical and adult-use cannabis business and a sales and use tax on the sale of adult-use cannabis will be imposed. HB548 - Access to Banking Act Establishes the Maryland Community Investment Venture Fund as an instrumentality of the State for purposes of developing opportunities for banking institutions and credit unions to better serve the needs of low- to moderate-income tracts. HB793 - Promoting Offshore Wind Energy Resources (POWER) Act Promotes the expansion of offshore wind power by setting an offshore wind goal of 8.5 GW by 2031, initiating a state process to coordinate transmission infrastructure, and investing in the full build-out of the existing lease areas. HB669 - Real Estate Appraisers - Licensing and Certification - Qualifications Establishes an alternative pathway for obtaining licensure as a real estate appraiser and certification as a residential or general real estate appraiser. Specifically, it allows applicants for licensure or certification to complete the Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria of the Practical Applications of Real Estate Appraisal program adopted by the Appraisal Foundation Appraiser Qualifications Board. APPROPRIATIONS FOR PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY This session we brought home $2.1 billion in state aid for Prince George’s County and $9.5 million for the 23rd Legislative District. The FY24 budget makes critical investments in Maryland’s economy. Specifically, our transportation, education, technological, infrastructure, and physical and behavioral health sectors. District 23 Highlights: $4.6 million for the construction of a new Communication Arts and Humanities Building at Bowie State University $1.75 million for Capitol Technology University in Laurel $1.1 million for the construction of Bowie State's new Thurgood Marshall Library $500,000 for the City of Bowie water infrastructure improvements $500,000 for Liberty Sports Park $400,000 to the Bowie-Mitchellville (MD) Diamond Foundation - Kappa Alpha Psi $250,000 to support student mental health services at Bowie State University $200,000 to Disney-Bell American Legion Post No. 66 $150,000 for the Town of Upper Marlboro Parking Project County-Wide Funding: $900 million for the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future fund, which sets aside dollars for future year public education expenditures $100 million in additional transportation funding, beyond the state’s Transportation Trust Fund, targeted to support significant transit projects around the state $100 million authorized to help with relocation costs should the FBI choose a final site in Prince George’s. Investments in enhancing the child tax credit and expanding other benefits that support Marylanders in need to lift families out of poverty and support our working families HOUSE DEMOCRATS PRIORITIES Maryland House Democrats have passed a range of critical bills that impact various areas of public concern from protecting reproductive rights to improving gun safety. Here are some highlights: HB1219 - Maryland Educator Shortage Act of 2023 Requires the State Department of Education, in consultation with the Maryland Higher Education Commission, to establish specific goals for the recruitment and retention of teachers in teacher preparation programs. This includes altering the qualifications for the Teaching Fellows for Maryland program, establishing the Teacher Development and Retention Program as a pilot program and more. HB554 - Keep Our Heroes Home Act Enhances the existing military retirement income tax subtraction modification by increasing the maximum amount of military retirement income received by an individual that may be exempted from Maryland income tax. Specifically, the bill increases the maximum value of the subtraction modification from $5,000 to $12,500 for individuals younger than age 55 and from $15,000 to $20,000 for individuals age 55 and older. The bill takes effect July 1, 2023 and applies to tax year 2023 and beyond. SB1 - Gun Safety Act of 2023 Prohibits, with specified exceptions, a person from wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm in specified areas and prohibits, with specified exceptions, a person from wearing, carrying, or transporting a firearm onto specified real property under certain circumstances and establishes penalties for violations. In addition, the bill modifies and expands the requirements and procedures relating to the issuance and renewal of a permit to wear, carry, and transport a handgun (handgun permit). SB858 - Firearm Safety - Storage Requirements and Youth Suicide Prevention (Jaelynn's Law) Strengthens Maryland’s gun safety laws and reduces children’s unsupervised access to firearms. The bill enhances the penalty for violating the state’s safe storage laws and increases the age restricting unsupervised minors to possess or have access to loaded firearms from 16 to 18. The bill also takes action to help prevent youth suicide by requiring the Deputy Secretary for Public Health Services to develop a youth suicide prevention and firearm safe storage guide. HB274 - Task Force on Reducing Emergency Department Wait Times Establishes the Task Force on Reducing Emergency Department Wait Times. By January 1, 2024, the task force must report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly. HB673 - Fair Fares Act Repeals the statutory requirement that the Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) increase its base fare prices every two years and every five years based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and other factors; it also makes conforming changes. MTA would still have the authority to modify transit fares as needed after a public hearing is held. SB959 - Higher Education - Maryland 529 Program - Reform Transfers administration of the Maryland 529 Program from the Maryland 529 Board to the State Treasurer and abolishes the Maryland 529 Board effective June 1, 2023. The bill also phases out the Maryland Senator Edward J. Kasemeyer Prepaid College Trust (MPCT) with no new MPCT accounts may be created, either directly or via rollover. Finally, the bill establishes the Workgroup on the Maryland 529 Prepaid College Trust Program, with an associated report due to the Governor and the General Assembly. HB811 - Hospitals - Testing for Fentanyl (The Josh Siems Act) Requires a hospital to include testing for fentanyl as part of a urine drug screening and requires the hospital, if a urine drug screening detects fentanyl, to report the deidentified test results to the Maryland Department of Health through the state-designated health information exchange. HB705 - Declaration of Rights - Right to Reproductive Freedom Establishes that every person, as a central component of an individual's rights to liberty and equality, has the fundamental right to reproductive freedom and prohibits the state from, directly or indirectly, denying, burdening, or abridging the right unless justified by a compelling state interest achieved by the least restrictive means. HB547 - Family Prosperity Act of 2023 Permanently extends the temporary expansions to the Maryland earned income credit and further eliminates an existing limit on the value of the State refundable earned income credit for individuals without qualifying children. In addition, the bill permanently extends and alters eligibility for the State child tax credit. The bill takes effect June 1, 2023 and applies to tax year 2023 and beyond. HB1 - The Child Victims Act of 2023 Expands the definition of sexual abuse to include cases where an adult encourages a child to do sexual activities. It also removes the time limits for filing a lawsuit related to child sexual abuse and sets some limits on the amount of money that can be awarded in these cases. These changes would apply to both current and future cases. HB908 - Electricity - Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Program and Property Taxes Makes the Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Pilot Program permanent. Requires a community solar energy generating system to serve at least 40% of its kilowatt-hour output to low-income and moderate-income subscribers under certain circumstances and authorizes a subscription coordinator to act on behalf of a subscriber organization. CONCLUSION Your feedback and voice matter! So please don’t hesitate to reach out to my office. My email is and the office phone number is 410-841-3047. You may visit my website at or follow my social media @adrianboafo for more updates. Sincerely, Delegate Adrian Boafo
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